Advanced Co-Spacing

Multiple users

Many users and props can be tracked in real time within the motion capture space. This puts everyone and everything into the same virtual space as the physical space they occupy. This allows participants to easily pass props between each other, collaborate and understand spatial directions including pointing and looking. Umajin VRSim is powered by the extremely accurate Phasespace 960 Hz motion tracking solution.

Users’ bodies can also have trackers placed so full body position can be estimated to measure they are using the correct posture and form when performing activities.

Multiple Props

Multiple props can be tracked along with users. These can include tools, stationary objects, weapons, and more.


With hand and finger trackers a user can control their props via direct manipulation.  This can turn any prop (such as a piece of high density foam) into a virtual tablet / touch screen. This is important for interactive scenarios where the users need to interact with virtual parts of the scene.