Scenario Objects

There are many objects that can be added to a scene e.g. 3d models, trigger areas, and audio. See below for full documentation of each object.

All objects have some shared properties.

  • id – A unique id, used to reference the object later.
  • active – Default: true. Only active objects are visible in the scene, and can have events triggered from them.
  • position : [0,0,0] – Set scene objects position to x,y,z.
  • rotation : [0,0,0] – Set scene objects rotation to x,y,z.
  • alpha – Set scene objects opacity. 0 is completely transparent, 255 is completely opaque.
  • on_activate – Event triggers when the active property of an object is set to true. Also triggers on object creation in active is true.
  • on_deactivate – Event triggers when the active property of an object is set to false.

Table of Contents


Play an audio file.

	"id": "bg_noise",
	"type": "audio",
	"path": "audio/bg-music.wav",
	"volume": 0.1,
	"looping": true
  • path – File path to an aduio file.
  • volume – Volume to play the sound at. From 0 (mute) to 1.
  • looping – Loop the audio when it reaches the end.
  • pitch – Modify the pitch of the audio play back.


Display an image in the scene.

	"type": "image",
	"path": "images/instructions-01.jpg",
	"position": [-2, 1, 3],
	"rotation": [0, 75, 0],
	"slice": [40, 20, 40, 30],
	"height": 1.2
  • path – File path of an image to display in the scene.
  • slice : [0,0,0,0] – Set the slice values of the image [top, right, bottom, left]
  • width – Width of the image in metres. If omitted, then the width will be calculated from the height, while keeping the correct aspect ratio of the source image.
  • height – Height of the image in metres. If omitted, then the height will be calculated from the width, while keeping the correct aspect ratio of the source image.
  • scale – Scale the object by a scale factor. 1 is default size, 2 is twice default size, 0.5 is half size etc.


Display a 3D model in the scene.

	"id": "city",
	"type": "model",
	"path": "city/",
	"position": [0, -0.5, 15],
	"rotation": [0, 90, 0],
	"scale": 0.12
  • path – File path to a .um, .uma, or .fbx file.
  • scale – Scale the object by a scale factor. 1 is default size, 2 is twice default size, 0.5 is half size etc.
  • effect – Currently only allows "none"


Display a 3D character model in the scene.

	"id": "my_character",
	"type": "model_character",
	"path": "zane",
	"position": [-1, -0.27, -1],
	"rotation": [-90, -90, 0]
  • path – File path to a .um, .uma, or .fbx file.
  • scale – Scale the object by a scale factor. 1 is default size, 2 is twice default size, 0.5 is half size etc.
  • effect – Currently allows "none", and "pbr".


Load in a seperate JSON file so complex scenes can be split across files, or so specific parts can be reused in multiple scenarios.

	"id": "street_side",
	"type": "module",
	"path": "city/static_street.json",
	"position": [0, 0, 0],
	"rotation": [0, 0, 0]
  • path – File to a .json file containing objects to load as part of the scene.


An object that is mapped to a PhaseSpace rigid of rigid_id. The objects position and orientation is updated to match the physical prop. A model object can then be attached to the rigid object

	"id": "box_rigid",
	"type": "rigid",
	"rigid_id": "10"
  • rigid_id – Id of the PhaseSpace rigid that defined in the config.json.


Very minimal object that has no visuals but can be setup to respond to on_activate or on_deactivate.

	"id": "state_wait_for_flowers",
	"type": "state",
	"on_activate": [{ "type": "play_animation", "ref": "my_character", "animation": "sit_down" }]


Show a block of text. The width must be set so the text can be rendered and wrapped correctly.

	"id": "help_text_1",
	"type": "text",
	"position": [0, 2, 0],
	"rotation": [0, 35, 0],
	"width": 1.5,
	"text": "Hello Text!\nThis is another line.",
	"font_size": 120,
	"align": "center",
	"color": "#FF0000"
  • text – String of text to display in the 3d world.
  • width – The width of the text area in metres.
  • height – The height of the text area in metres. If omitted, then expand to show all the text.
  • font_size – Size to display the text.
  • align – Default: "left". Text alignment can be set to "left""right""center"
  • color – The color of the text.


Create a trigger that triggers when it detects one on the phrases being spoken.

	"id": "trigger_ask",
	"type": "trigger_speech",
	"public": true,
	"phrases": [
		"What's your hurry?",
		"Why were you going so fast?"
	"on_speech": [
		{ "type": "deactivate" }
  • public – Default: true. If public, then a button will be added to the tablet that can fire the on_speech event of the trigger.
  • phrases – Array on phrases to match to.
  • on_speech – Triggered when speech is detected that matches any of the given phases.


Add a button to the tablet prop, and to the viewer HUD. Pressing the button when cause the on_press event to trigger.

	"type": "trigger_ui_button",
	"text": "Press Me!",
	"on_press": [
		{"type":"comment", "message":"Button has been pressed!"},
  • public – Default: true. If public, then the button will be added to the tablet that can fire the on_press event of the trigger.
  • text – Text to display as the button label.
  • on_press – Triggered when the button is pressed on either the tablet, or the viewer HUD.


Tracks the ref scene object’s movement, and fires on_over_threshold when its velocity goes over threshold, and on_under__threshold when it goes under.

		"type": "trigger_velocity",
		"ref": "bouquet",
		"threshold": 1.0,
		"on_over_threshold": [
			{"type":"comment", "message":"Moving too fast!"}
		"on_under_threshold": [
			{"type":"comment", "message":"Not moving fast enough!"}
  • public – Default: false. If public, then a button will be added to the tablet that can fire the on_over_threshold event of the trigger.
  • ref – Reference to the scene object whos velocity will be tracked.
  • threshold – The velocity in metres per second and causes the events to fire.
  • on_over_threshold – Triggered when ref object moves faster than velocity.
  • on_under_threshold – Triggered when ref object moves slower than velocity.

trigger_volume_hand, trigger_volume_hand_left, trigger_volume_hand_right

Create a trigger sphere that triggers when your hand enters or leaves the radius. You can make it only trigger with a specific hand by using trigger_volume_hand_lefttrigger_volume_hand_right, or either hand by using trigger_volume_hand.

	"id": "trigger_grab_bouquet",
	"type": "trigger_volume_hand",
	"public": true,
	"position": [1, 2, -1],
	"radius": 0.5
  • public – Default: false. If public, then a button will be added to the tablet that can fire the on_enter event of the trigger.
  • radius – Radius of sphere in meters.
  • on_enter – Triggered when the specified hand enters the volume.
  • on_leave – Triggered when the specified hand leaves the volume.


Create a trigger cylinder that triggers when your head enters or leaves the radius.

	"id": "trigger_stand_close",
	"type": "trigger_volume_head",
	"public": true,
	"position": [0, 0, 0],
	"radius": 1.2
  • public – Default: false. If public, then a button will be added to the tablet that can fire the on_enter event of the trigger.
  • radius – Radius of cylinder in meters
  • on_enter – Triggered when the head enters the volume.
  • on_leave – Triggered when the head leaves the volume.


Create a trigger sphere that triggers when a specified object enters or leaves the radius.

	"id": "trigger_flower_pot",
	"type": "trigger_volume_object",
	"public": true,
	"ref": "bouquet",
	"position": [0, 1.2, 0],
	"rotation": [0, 45, 0],
	"radius": 0.1,
	"match_rotation": true,
	"rotation_threshold": 0.01,
	"on_enter": [{"type": "attach", "ref": "bouquet", "target": "trigger_flower_pot"}]
  • public – Default: false. If public, then a button will be added to the tablet that can fire the on_enter event of the trigger.
  • ref – The objects that triggers the volume object.
  • radius – Radius of sphere in meters.
  • match_rotation – Default: false. If true, then the trigger only fires if the rotation also matches.
  • rotation_threshold – Default: 0.01. If match_rotation is true, then this sets the tolerance of the matching rotation.
  • on_enter – Triggered when the ref object enters the volume.
  • on_leave – Triggered when the ref object leaves the volume.